Coronavirus (aka COVID-19) is currently having a large global impact on the way businesses operate and people function day to day. As always, TuffWrap is committed to keeping our employees and customers safe and healthy, and as such, we are currently following guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), as well as State and Local Health Departments.
As an Interior Protection provider, TuffWrap’s functional goal is to maintain cleanliness in any environment in which we are working. In addition to standard guidelines, we have also put the following procedures in place for our employees who are working remotely:
Daily schedule of sanitary activities including:
- Daily temperature logging
- Sanitizing vehicles
- Sanitizing all tools used onsite
- Sanitizing personal safety equipment
Politely decline shaking hands
Wash hands regularly using antibacterial soap
Use hand sanitizer regularly
Avoid large gatherings when possible
Report any flu-like symptoms to a supervisor immediately.
Upon work van return, the following steps are being taken prior to the vehicle being put back in service:
- Temporary vehicle quarantine
- Complete vehicle sanitization
- Vehicle sanitization logging
Please note: There may be times that we need to alter the size or location of our crew as well as their work hours in order to ensure that everyone is working under optimal conditions. As is standard, TuffWrap management will be remotely monitoring all jobs and request that we receive timely notifications from our customers regarding anything that could impact our team in an effort to ensure their safety. As with any safety rule on a job site, we reserve the right to remove our employees from any situation that has a potential for exposure.
TuffWrap will work in partnership with our customers to address any additional requirements that have been put in place at facilities and on the job site. We also welcome proactive notification of our customers’ policies.
We appreciate the opportunity to work together to ensure that TuffWrap’s employees and our customers’ employees stay safe during this global crisis.
Any information or questions regarding COVID-19 requirements can be sent to: